About PPF Asset Management
PPF Asset Management Limited (ABN 87 099 091 960, AFSL 229 696) is the Responsible Entity of, and issuer of units in, the Fund offered in this PDS and has prepared this PDS.
As the Responsible Entity, PPFAML is responsible for administering and managing the assets and overseeing the operations of the Fund. As the investment manager, it selects and manages the assets of the Fund and may appoint other managers to manage some or all of the Fund’s assets.
In exercising its duties, the Responsible Entity must act honestly and in the best interest of Unitholders, ensure that property of the Fund is held separately from property of the Responsible Entity and property of another Fund. The Responsible Entity also ensures that the Fund complies with the Compliance Plan and Constitution of the Fund (Constitution).
PPF Asset Management Limited is a privately-owned Melbourne-based asset manager established in 2001 to provide private clients direct access to a low cost, high quality and performance-oriented offering, accessing a diverse range of income and growth-oriented investment strategies.
We have also appointed Sandhurst Trustees Limited (ABN 16 004 030 737, AFSL 237906) (Sandhurst) as the custodian of the Fund. As custodian, Sandhurst is responsible for holding the assets of the Fund. Sandhurst has no supervisory role in relation to the operation of the Fund and is not responsible for protecting your interests. The Responsible Entity may, in its discretion, may change the custodian from time to time or appoint additional service providers.